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Fact Sheet

Preventing school violence is possible. Download and print a fact sheet that describes school violence, its impact, and prevention strategies.

Fact Sheet

Preventing youth violence is possible. Download and print a fact sheet with more information about youth violence.

Fact Sheet

Bullying is a form of youth violence, which can result in physical injury, social and emotional problems and even death. Download a fact sheet with more information about bullying and how to prevent it here.

Fact Sheet

By raising awareness about suicide, we can work together to stop it---before it happens. Learn more by downloading a valuable fact sheet about suicide here.

Fact Sheet

We can stop teen dating violence before it happens. Learn more about it through this fact sheet which explains the issue.

Fact Sheet

Preventing sexual violence is possible, and we all can do our part. Download a fact sheet to learn more about sexual violence and how to prevent it.

Fact Sheet

Child maltreatment includes harm to a child in the form of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse or neglect. Increased awareness and education about the issue can help communities prevent it before it happens.