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Upcoming Webinar | Health Equity & Well-Being from the Start

Upcoming Webinar | Health Equity & Well-Being from the Start

Join ASTHO and CDC at their upcoming webinar, “Heath Equity and Well-Being from the Start: Building Support for an Equal Opportunity Childhood.” The event will explore the social and economic contexts that impact a child and family’s health and well-being.

Event Details

Date: Thursday, February 26, 2015
Time: 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. ET

You can register here.

Participants will learn:

  • Why child maltreatment and early adversity are public health problems that can be addressed through primary prevention
  • How to analyze social and economic contexts that contribute to differential opportunity for health and well-being across the life course
  • Techniques state health departments and their partners are using to ensure safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for all children and their families


  • Edward Ehlinger, MD, MSPH – Minnesota Department of Health
  • Marilyn Metzler, RN, MPH – CDC
  • Steve Wirtz, PhD – California Department of Public Health