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A national public health media campaign provides information through print and television ads about depression. The goal of the campaign is to change the way people think about mental illness and to encourage those who may be experiencing depression or suicidal thoughts to seek help. The campaign also provides information about available resources.
Does this program impact violence before or after it starts?
This campaign is designed to prevent suicidal behavior before it initially occurs. Therefore it is considered to be primary prevention.
A national public health media campaign provides information through print and television ads about depression. The goal of the campaign is to change the way people think about mental illness and to encourage those who may be experiencing depression or suicidal thoughts to seek help. The campaign also provides information about available resources.
Which level of the Social Ecological Model does this program influence?
The media campaign is designed to influence behavior by changing societal norms about mental illness and help-seeking.
Therapists in community mental health centers conduct an evidence-based treatment program with individuals that have a history of suicide attempts. This unique approach promotes interpersonal problem solving skills, emotion regulation, and emotional trauma management.
Does this program impact violence before or after it starts?
This program occurs after suicidal behavior has happened.
Therapists in community mental health centers conduct an evidence-based treatment program with individuals that have a history of suicide attempts. This unique approach promotes interpersonal problem solving skills, emotion regulation, and emotional trauma management.
Which level of the Social Ecological Model does this program influence?
This program is for individuals who have already engaged in suicidal behavior and is designed to improve their problem solving and emotional management skills.
A community-wide program is developed for organizations serving youth. The program is designed to raise awareness about the personal and situational factors that place youth at risk for suicide. The program also aims to create a safety net within the community by co-sponsoring activities with businesses, area malls, churches, summer camps, and recreation centers.
Does this program impact violence before or after it starts?
This program is designed to prevent suicidal behavior before it initially occurs. Therefore it is considered to be primary prevention.
A community-wide program is developed for organizations serving youth. The program is designed to raise awareness about the personal and situational factors that place youth at risk for suicide. The program also aims to create a safety net within the community by co-sponsoring activities with businesses, area malls, churches, summer camps, and recreation centers.
Which level of the Social Ecological Model does this program influence?
This program is designed to create a supportive community environment for youth.
An assisted living center tries to increase social connectedness for senior citizens. Staff members engage seniors and their family members in joint activities at the center and connect seniors and their family members to other activities in the community.
Does this program impact violence before or after it starts?
This program is designed to prevent suicidal behavior before it initially occurs. Therefore it is considered to be primary prevention.
An assisted living center tries to increase social connectedness for senior citizens. Staff members engage seniors and their family members in joint activities at the center and connect seniors and their family members to other activities in the community.
Which level of the Social Ecological Model does this program influence?
This program is designed to influence behavior by connecting seniors and the other people in their lives.
Students are trained to talk with each other about common issues that may be bothering them. Peers provide social support for each other when they are experiencing academic difficulties, family conflicts, changing friendships, peer pressure, or personal crises.
Does this program impact violence before or after it starts?
This program is designed to prevent suicidal behavior before it initially occurs. Therefore it is considered to be primary prevention.
Students are trained to talk with each other about common issues that may be bothering them. Peers provide social support for each other when they are experiencing academic difficulties, family conflicts, changing friendships, peer pressure, or personal crises.
Which level of the Social Ecological Model does this program influence?
This program is designed to influence behavior by creating social support networks between peers.
A local school district adopts a crisis intervention program that responds to a suicide death in a timely manner. The program mobilizes school staff and other resources to reduce the risk of subsequent suicides. It is designed to help students effectively cope with their feelings and prevent them from engaging in suicidal behavior.
Does this program impact violence before or after it starts?
This program occurs after suicidal behavior has happened.
A local school district adopts a crisis intervention program that responds to a suicide death in a timely manner. The program mobilizes school staff and other resources to reduce the risk of subsequent suicides. It is designed to help students effectively cope with their feelings and prevent them from engaging in suicidal behavior.
Which level of the Social Ecological Model does this program influence?
This district-wide program is designed to improve school response and intervention plans.
Seven sessions on suicide prevention are incorporated into a middle school health curriculum. Students learn the warning signs for depression and suicide; discuss how bullying and other interpersonal problems are related to suicidal behavior, and learn ways to cope with losses and other disappointments. Students also learn what to do if they encounter friends or acquaintances with suicide warning signs.
Does this program impact violence before or after it starts?
This program is designed to prevent suicidal behavior before it initially occurs. Therefore it is considered to be primary prevention.
Seven sessions on suicide prevention are incorporated into a middle school health curriculum. Students learn the warning signs for depression and suicide; discuss how bullying and other interpersonal problems are related to suicidal behavior, and learn ways to cope with losses and other disappointments. Students also learn what to do if they encounter friends or acquaintances with suicide warning signs.
Which level of the Social Ecological Model does this program influence?
This program is designed to increase the knowledge, skills, and abilities of individual students.
A state policy is implemented that limits access to the methods of suicide. Changes include restricting access to roofs and high exteriors of tall buildings, fencing in high bridges, and strict monitoring (including dosage) of prescription drugs by physicians and pharmacies.
Does this program impact violence before or after it starts?
This policy is designed to prevent suicidal behavior before it initially occurs. Therefore it is considered to be primary prevention.
A state policy is implemented that limits access to the methods of suicide. Changes include restricting access to roofs and high exteriors of tall buildings, fencing in high bridges, and strict monitoring (including dosage) of prescription drugs by physicians and pharmacies.
Which level of the Social Ecological Model does this program influence?
This effort focuses on changing environmental conditions and health policy to prevent suicidal behavior.