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Success Stories

Success Stories

How one state used CDC’s National Violence Death Reporting System to help inform policy change.

Success Stories

Tips, tools, and other resources to help you in developing your success story.


Current CDC grantees will be able to submit final story versions for approval into the permanent archive. This is a great way to showcase your prevention work on a national platform and help us develop a library of successful practices.

Success Stories

Your success story will showcase positive results from your work…whether it’s a program, a research project, an activity…or whatever your prevention effort may be.

Success Stories

Tips, tools, and other resources to help you in developing your success story.

Success Stories

Welcome to Success Stories, a place where you’ll find a growing collection of successful violence prevention stories from across the country!

Success Stories

North Carolina's goal? To determine how to effectively create and leverage key partnerships in order to promote the importance of the primary prevention of child abuse and neglect.