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Child Maltreatment

Child abuse and neglect is a complex issue that affects countless families across the country, regardless of geography, ethnicity, or income. Adverse childhood experiences can not only harm a child while young, but have a significant impact on social and health issues later in life as an adult. Thankfully, safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments are shown to help families thrive and prevent child abuse and neglect.

Child Abuse and Neglect Thumbnail

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Fact Sheet

Relationships and environments where children are nurtured and safe help them become healthy and productive adults. Prevention resources, such as Essentials for Childhood, can help communities promote positive environments and relationships.

The Levels of Prevention

CDC’s VetoViolence focuses on primary prevention: stopping violence before it occurs. Immediate and long-term responses to violence are also imperative to reducing the effects of violence.

Social Media

Take advantage of these new, sharable, and practical tools to identify specific violence prevention strategies at the individual, relationship, community, and societal levels.


CDC recently hosted Essentials for Childhood grantees for a three-day meeting designed to share updates, best practices, and lessons learned.


THRIVES—CDC’s Global Technical Package to Prevent Violence Against Children—aims to help countries prevent violence against children.


Findings show global rates of sexual violence against children are high; few victims receive supportive services.


A new study shows Early Head Start may reduce some forms of child maltreatment.


How CDC, UNICEF and the Cambodian government used survey results to address—and help prevent—violence against children.