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Child Maltreatment


Learn more about preventing child abuse and neglect in your community.

Webinar / Presentation

Details and registration information for an upcoming webinar hosted by CDC and the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.


Access information on violence against children and youth anywhere, courtesy of WISQARS Mobile.

Adverse Childhood Experiences

This infographic highlights how adverse childhood experiences affect our lives and our society—and what we can do to prevent them.

Success Stories

North Carolina's goal? To determine how to effectively create and leverage key partnerships in order to promote the importance of the primary prevention of child abuse and neglect.

Public Health Leadership (PHL) Initiative

Child maltreatment can be prevented before it occurs. State health departments can promote and enhance effective prevention efforts and make a lasting difference for many. Use these resources to help your health department’s efforts.


One child being harmed, intentionally or not, is one too many. Sadly, many children suffer from child maltreatment every year. But, it doesn’t have to happen. Real prevention begins with a clear understanding of the problem. Keep reading to learn more about CDC’s definition of child maltreatment.

Risk Factorr

Research is teaching us about conditions that can make children vulnerable to maltreatment. We are also learning more about protective factors to help buffer children from harm. Learn more here.


Child maltreatment is a significant public health problem that has devastating and long-lasting consequences. Children and families are harmed and also the communities where they live. No one is immune from the problem, and we must all work together to find a solution. Read more here.

Fact Sheet

Child maltreatment includes harm to a child in the form of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse or neglect. Increased awareness and education about the issue can help communities prevent it before it happens.