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Social Norms Thumbail

Social norms refer to values, beliefs, attitudes, and/or behaviors shared by a group of people. They are often based on what people believe to be normal, typical, or appropriate. Social norms can function as unspoken rules or guidelines for how people behave, and for how people are expected to behave.

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

Join the movement to promote safe, violence-free relationships throughout Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month.

Dating Matters

Dating Matters: Understanding Teen Dating Violence Prevention helps educators, school personnel, youth leaders, and others working to improve the health of teens.


CDC’s National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS) offers valuable data to help communities stop sexual violence before it starts. Download information, tools, and other resources here.

Fact Sheet

Relationships and environments where children are nurtured and safe help them become healthy and productive adults. Prevention resources, such as Essentials for Childhood, can help communities promote positive environments and relationships.

Fact Sheet

Preventing intimate partner violence is possible. Download current information about IPV and how you can help prevent it.

Website Link

Stress during the holidays is common. Practicing self-care can help you cope with stress and enjoy your holiday season.


This document includes the latest information available for standardizing sexual violence surveillance definitions and data elements.

Video & Audio

A social media campaign highlighting national commitment to preventing violence against women, intimate partner violence, and sexual violence.


This report examines sexual violence, stalking, and intimate partner violence victimization using data from 2011.