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Sexual Violence

Video & Audio

Video gives definition of intimate partner violence and describes strategies to prevent it.

Sexual violence is a significant public health problem in the United States. Each year, millions of women, men, and children report completed or attempted sexual acts against their will. These reports are likely underestimates because victims fear being blamed, attacked again, or not being believed. Sexual assault can result in long-term physical or psychological injuries, but by working together, communities can prevent sexual violence before it occurs.


CDC’s National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS) offers valuable data to help communities stop sexual violence before it starts. Download information, tools, and other resources here.

The Levels of Prevention

CDC’s VetoViolence focuses on primary prevention: stopping violence before it occurs. Immediate and long-term responses to violence are also imperative to reducing the effects of violence.

Social Media

Take advantage of these new, sharable, and practical tools to identify specific violence prevention strategies at the individual, relationship, community, and societal levels.

Federal Link

As colleges across the country prepare to welcome students back to class, these resources can help support sexual assault prevention efforts.


Findings show global rates of sexual violence against children are high; few victims receive supportive services.

Website Link

View CDC’s resources to help stop sex trafficking.


This document includes the latest information available for standardizing sexual violence surveillance definitions and data elements.

Video & Audio

A social media campaign highlighting national commitment to preventing violence against women, intimate partner violence, and sexual violence.