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Intimate Partner Violence

Video & Audio

Video gives definition of intimate partner violence and describes strategies to prevent it.

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

Join the movement to promote safe, violence-free relationships throughout Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month.

Dating Matters

Dating Matters: Understanding Teen Dating Violence Prevention helps educators, school personnel, youth leaders, and others working to improve the health of teens.

Fact Sheet

Preventing intimate partner violence is possible. Download current information about IPV and how you can help prevent it.

The Levels of Prevention

CDC’s VetoViolence focuses on primary prevention: stopping violence before it occurs. Immediate and long-term responses to violence are also imperative to reducing the effects of violence.

Social Media

Take advantage of these new, sharable, and practical tools to identify specific violence prevention strategies at the individual, relationship, community, and societal levels.


Intimate Partner Violence, sexual violence, and stalking are widespread, impact all types of people, and cause far-reaching health issues. The good news is they are preventable. Understand these types of violence through an infographic and take action to stop them before they start in your community.

Video & Audio

Join the movement and share your commitment to helping prevent suicide.

Dating Matters

DATING MATTERS® training is a free, online course available to educators, school personnel, youth mentors, and others dedicated to improving teen health.


A new study highlighted in the Annals of Epidemiology explores the rates of intimate partner violence among people with a disability.