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Violence Types


Access information on violence against children and youth anywhere, courtesy of WISQARS Mobile.


This infographic highlights facts everyone should know about intimate partner violence, sexual violence, and stalking.

Adverse Childhood Experiences

This infographic highlights how adverse childhood experiences affect our lives and our society—and what we can do to prevent them.

STRYVE Thumbnail

Striving to Reduce Youth Violence Everywhere (STRYVE) is a national initiative led by CDC and helps communities take a public health approach to preventing youth violence. Join us!

Public Health Leadership (PHL) Initiative

Child maltreatment can be prevented before it occurs. State health departments can promote and enhance effective prevention efforts and make a lasting difference for many. Use these resources to help your health department’s efforts.


Youth violence is a leading cause of death and injuries. When communities have a clear understanding of what youth violence is and who it affects, prevention efforts can be strengthened. This section describes youth violence and the importance of using consistent terms to define it.

Fact Sheet

Preventing school violence is possible. Download and print a fact sheet that describes school violence, its impact, and prevention strategies.


Youth violence affects all communities and all members of a community. The good news is youth violence is preventable. Evidence-based youth violence prevention approaches can improve the well-being of everyone.

Fact Sheet

Preventing youth violence is possible. Download and print a fact sheet with more information about youth violence.


Suicide is a leading cause of death. People who attempt suicide and their families, friends and communities can experience physical, emotional, and economic problems. But, preventing suicide is possible. You can help. Learn more.