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Success Stories

North Carolina's goal? To determine how to effectively create and leverage key partnerships in order to promote the importance of the primary prevention of child abuse and neglect.


The VetoViolence Facebook page is a social media community and resource for stopping violence before it starts.

Success Stories

Fifteen elementary schools in Kansas are implementing and evaluating evidence-based bullying prevention programs. They are using evaluation results to improve school climate.


Youth violence is a leading cause of death and injuries. When communities have a clear understanding of what youth violence is and who it affects, prevention efforts can be strengthened. This section describes youth violence and the importance of using consistent terms to define it.

Fact Sheet

Preventing sexual violence is possible, and we all can do our part. Download a fact sheet to learn more about sexual violence and how to prevent it.

Fact Sheet

By raising awareness about suicide, we can work together to stop it---before it happens. Learn more by downloading a valuable fact sheet about suicide here.


Suicide is a leading cause of death. People who attempt suicide and their families, friends and communities can experience physical, emotional, and economic problems. But, preventing suicide is possible. You can help. Learn more.

Risk Factor

Suicide is a complex issue, and our research is helping us better understand it so we can prevent it. Some factors can increase vulnerability to suicidal thoughts or behavior. Other factors in relationships, homes, and communities can help lower the risk. We can stop suicide, before it happens.