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Announcements & Events

Dating Matters

DATING MATTERS® training is a free, online course available to educators, school personnel, youth mentors, and others dedicated to improving teen health.


A tool for people interested in learning about program evaluation and applying it to their work.

Federal Link

As colleges across the country prepare to welcome students back to class, these resources can help support sexual assault prevention efforts.


CDC recently hosted Essentials for Childhood grantees for a three-day meeting designed to share updates, best practices, and lessons learned.


EvaluACTION is one of the newest VetoViolence offerings, designed for people interested in learning about program evaluation and how to apply it to their work.

Discussion Forum

Data collected from the survey will be used to enhance the design and functionality of the site and help us determine how we can best support you.


A new study highlighted in the Annals of Epidemiology explores the rates of intimate partner violence among people with a disability.


CDC releases “Intimate Partner Violence Surveillance: Uniform Definitions and Recommended Data Elements, Version 2.”


THRIVES—CDC’s Global Technical Package to Prevent Violence Against Children—aims to help countries prevent violence against children.


Findings show global rates of sexual violence against children are high; few victims receive supportive services.